Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bad Mommy, Cute Kid

My sins are many:
I told Drew we had to go back to my office last week after picking him up from daycare and when he began to fuss, I told him he could have cookies there.

I encouraged him play Vestibule the other night for 15 minutes past when it was fun for him so I could keep him out of the kitchen while I addressed the ant problem.

I became irritated at how long he had sat on his potty with no results and put him in the bathtub (where he promptly peed), even though consistency is of the utmost importance in this matter; now he'll never go to preschool.

But mostly, I am guilty of not taking enough pictures of my own child and sending them to people who find him as attractive as I do - that is to say, people who are related to me. Here's for you (courtesy of my friend Sandy accompanied us, with her daughter Emma, to the zoo last weekend).

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