Tuesday, February 12, 2008

All Aboard (almost)

See How hard it is to keep this up? It's been 3 weeks, and I needed to have a day off of work to post.

My friend Melanie said the other day that other girls disappear when they meet a boy, but she always knows that when she doesn't hear from me for a month it means I'm working all the time... we don't need to explore that now, but it's true.

Today, though, Drew's preschool is closed for Lincoln's Birthday (whatever), and we're having a day of Fun. He woke up early, talking about "the red one" (James, the Red Engine, from Thomas and Friends, for those of you without a two year old boy in your lives), and we played choo choos for a while, then rode his bike around the block for our morning cardio session. I tricked him into getting a haircut by saying we were going to play with a train set (the kids salon does have one, but I left out the part about the electric razor), and then it was on to the toy store to... wait for it... play trains! We stopped at Trader Joes before we went home to buy banana yogurt and ABC pasta, and I was very pleased with myself when we got home and I successfully transfered my sleeping child to his crib. Then I realized that I had left my bag of groceries on the curb in Berkeley when I was putting Drew in the car. Nice.

I'm sitting at the computer drinking iced tea from a Sesame Street cup because I am trying to convince Drew that its fun to drink from cups without valves (he is not buying it). When he wakes up, we're going to go to the zoo, ride the train, and then go to my mother's house. My parents have several hundred dollars worth of Thomas paraphernalia they got at a Piedmont garage sale when my nephew was under Thomas' spell, and, needless to say, Drew loves to visit.
My mother doesn't know it, but tonight I am going to see if I can commandeer her kitchen and an extra muffin tin to bake 30 cupcakes for Doug's class' Valentine's Day party.

I have not, however, checked my e-mail.

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