Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy New Blog!

This is the holiday card I ordered 100 copies of last year to send to the many friends and family that I love dearly but do not correspond with as regularly as I should.
Don't feel bad if you didn't get one - we never sent them out. I actually considered sending it out this year and said to Doug, "It's not like there's a date on it. Drew looks pretty much the same... maybe a few more teeth..."
So you can understand that I am nervous about starting a blog (again)- how can I keep this updated regularly when I can't even get a Christmas card out or call you back? More importantly, how can I keep this clean enough to let my 85 year old grandmother read it (although, to her credit, Dina has a wicked sense of humor)? These are very real challenges, but I'm going to try.